Triple E Training

Leasing Options

Want more time in the saddle and all the perks of owning your own horse without all the responsibility (vet bills, farrier bills, etc.)? Inquire about our leasing options. All leasers must be in the weekly lesson program and able to tack/untack without any assistance from an instructor. Lease pricing does vary per horse so please ask your instructor for current lease price.
Full Lease:
A full lease means you can ride the horse as much as you want throughout the month and first dibs on that horse for horse shows. A full lease really gives you the freedom of what owning a horse is like. There is no use of horse fee when showing.
Half Lease:
A half lease means you get two practice rides a week to come out and practice on the leased horse, as well as always get to use that horse in your lesson, and first dibs on that horse for horse shows! Just like any sport, practice is essential to bettering your abilities. Half leasers also receive a discounted use of horse fee when showing.
Quarter Lease:
A quarter lease means you get one additional ride a week in addition to your lesson. This is a perfect option for someone who wishes to get an additional practice in, but might not be able to commit to as many days a week. Quarter leasers do not receive any horse show discounts.
© 2022 Triple E Training, LLC. Erica E. Eggert. All Rights Reserved