Triple E Training

The Triple Scoop
TheWant to know what's going on at Triple E? You've come to the right spot... our news section. Check back after each event!!

Success at Somewhere Farm
Triple E Training had a more than successful day at Somewhere Farm Horse Show in Mount Holly on Sunday May 11, 2015.
Here are the results of the Triple E Team!:
Carina Hillman and "Triple the Fun," aka Jimmy, received Reserve Champion in the Green Hunter, Grand Champion in Jr Rider Walk Trot, and a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in Short Stirrup.
Kendall Hillman and "Snapshot" received Reserve Champion in both Short Stirrup AND Beginner Rider!
Lauren Summerville and "Snapshot" received Grand Champion in the Walk Trot and a 3rd, 4th, and 5th in the Jr Rider Walk Trot. This was Lauren's second show ever!
Ashley Summerville and "Triple the Fun," aka Jimmy, received Grand Champion in both Suitable Hunter AND Beginner Rider. This was also Ashley's second show ever!
Maggie McClean and "Snapshot" received a respectable 2nd and two 4ths in the English Pleasure.

Dressage with Jennifer A. Allen
On Sunday, May 3rd, Triple E had a very inspriring and transformational clinic given by USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold medalist, Jennifer A. Allen. Thank you to all of our participants: Gina, Challen, LeeAnn, Rachel, Galina, Brianna, Alexandra, Camilla, Emily, as well as our wonderful clinician, Jennifer, for being, as always, a truly educational experience.

Congratulations Maggie McClean
Congrats to Maggie McClean on your half lease of "Silver and Gold", aka Tinsel, for the month of June.

Congratulations Jenna Sharkey
Congrats to Jenna Sharkey on her purchase of her very own first horse, "Love's the Ticket," aka "Ticket. Ticket is an 11 year old Thoroughbred gelding trained in the disclipline of Eventing. Good luck to the both of you!

One Year Anniversary
As of October 28, 2013, Triple E Training has been in business for an entire year!
© 2022 Triple E Training, LLC. Erica E. Eggert. All Rights Reserved